Sunday, October 30, 2011

About Yii Framework

Yii is one of PHP framework object-oriented programming (OOP) component-based, high-performance for the development of large-scale Web applications. Name Yii (pronounced as / i :/) stands for "Yes It Is".

This project was first developed by a master named Qiang Xue in January 2008 and at December 2008 Yii 1.0 was released to the public. And it's amazing, just a few years ago is now a Yii PHP framework that demand a lot of people.

Yii PHP framework beyond the others in terms of efficiency, feature-richness, and clarity of documentation.

Yii framework has advantages compared to other frameworks. Here are some frameworks performance comparison chart:

RPS: Request per second - APC: Advanced php caching
From picture, look Yii framework performance beyond of other PHP framework. Yii has support for caching, this is explicitly designed to work efficiently with AJAX. Yii is much faster because of using the technique of "lazy loading" extensively. For example, do not include the class file to classes used for the first time, and it did not create the object until the object is accessed for the first time. Caching is a simple and effective way to improve the performance of Web applications. By storing data in the cache relatively static and take it from the cache when needed, it can save the time required in generating the data.

Yii implements the design pattern of the model-view-controller (MVC), which aims to separate logic from user interface considerations in order to more easily change any part without affecting the others. In MVC, the model represents the information (data) and business rules; view contains user interface elements such as text, input forms, while the controller manages the communication between the model and view.

Yii also introduced a front-controller, called Applications, which encapsulates the execution context to process a request. Application to collect some information about the user request and then sends it to the appropriate controller for further handling.

To run a applications web based Yii, required web server that supports PHP 5.1.0 or later. You can download Yii for free from the official website here:

1 comment:

  1. Nice Blog , This is what I exactly Looking for , Keep sharing more blog .
    Remote Yii Framework Team


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